The Jedi Holocron

The Jedi Holocron

New look under construction, check back frequently for updates...

For generations, the Jedi Knights have been protectors of peace, justice, and prosperity throughout the vast universe. 'Jedi Holocrons' would be used to store historical and useful information for future referance.

Our goal here at the Jedi Holocron web site is slightly differant. You might call this 'The Jedi Holocron Warped' if you wish.

Here at the Holocron, our goals are to provide philosophical, martial arts, and Star Wars related information.

Jedi Holocron Makeover...

As you may already know, it has been quite some time since the Holocron has had a makeover. Bearing this all in mind, the Holocron staff is finally working on the new look. Thank you for any suggestions submitted.

The Jedi Holocron Newsletter...

Randall Cranex's new idea to create a Holocron newsletter containing philosophy, martial arts, and Star Wars information is still being considered. Any news will be posted here.

The Jedi Holocron Staff Members...

Check out the staff chambers, updates will be made soon. Chun Asper Endao is currently working on material for his chambers.

Holocron Secretary

Remember; The Jedi never uses the force for personal gain. Only when protecting the innocent and completely at peace with the force.